Here in this site, we are sharing the sayings of Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna; Some Readers don’t aware of the History of Gospel, This Posting has devoted to them and Let them know about the History of “Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna”.
The Great Person (Mahendranath Gupta) who is main spiritual light to bring the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna into the World.
Mahendranath Gupta (1854–1932), who preferred to call himself M, was one of the foremost disciples of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the author of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna(Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita) (1942).
Mahendranath Gupta was the headmaster of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar's high school when he first met Ramakrishna in 1882. He frequently visited Ramakrishna in Dakshineswar Kali Temple till Ramakrishna's passing away in 1886, and even stayed with him for successive days a few times. Every time he went back home after visiting Ramakrishna, he would note down in his personal dairy the conversations and sayings of Ramakrishna. It was from these notes that he compiled The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Deep Secret Of The Jnani And The Bhakta !
(To Mahima) You may talk of Vedanta a thousand times to a genuine bhakta and call the world like a dream before him, his devotion will not vanish. He may shed it a little for a while. A pestle was lying in a field of willows; it resulted in musalam kulanashnam (the pestle destroying the dynasty). One becomes a jnani when one is born of Shiva. His mind always goes to this knowledge.
'Only Brahman is the reality, the world an illusion'. If one is born of Vishnu, one possesses prema bhakti loving devotion. This prema bhakti does not leave you easily. Upon reasoning even if this prema bhakti is diluted, it returns gushing forth after a time just as the pestle destroyed the dynasty of the Yadus.
~Gospel of Sri RamaKrishna
'Only Brahman is the reality, the world an illusion'. If one is born of Vishnu, one possesses prema bhakti loving devotion. This prema bhakti does not leave you easily. Upon reasoning even if this prema bhakti is diluted, it returns gushing forth after a time just as the pestle destroyed the dynasty of the Yadus.
~Gospel of Sri RamaKrishna
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Path To Attain The God In Kaliyuga.!
Karma Yoga. To keep the mind in God by doing work – this is what you teach.
Life is short in Kaliyuga. And then it is indeed very difficult to work without expectation of its reward and to work in an unattached manner.
One cannot be truly unattached without having realized God. Attachment comes from
nowhere, one does not even come to know of it.
Bhakthi. It is fixing the mind in God by repeating His name and singing His glories.
Bhakthi is the easy path for the age of Kali.
Bhakthi indeed is the law for the present age.
~Gospel Of Sri RamaKrishna
Life is short in Kaliyuga. And then it is indeed very difficult to work without expectation of its reward and to work in an unattached manner.
One cannot be truly unattached without having realized God. Attachment comes from
nowhere, one does not even come to know of it.
Bhakthi. It is fixing the mind in God by repeating His name and singing His glories.
Bhakthi is the easy path for the age of Kali.
Bhakthi indeed is the law for the present age.
~Gospel Of Sri RamaKrishna
Diwali Wishes for Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Readers !

Diwali, Dipavali, Divali or Deepawali, which is also known as 'the festival of lights', is the Indian festival that brings a series of festivals with it.
One after another we get a chance to celebrate five festivals together.
The people of all age groups and classes with equal zeal and enthusiasm celebrate Diwali throughout India. They put on new apparels and participate in the various activities that are related to Diwali celebrations. Diwali falls on the day of 'Amavasyaa' usually in the month of October or November.
On this day people light tiny diyas to fill their homes with bright light and create lovely designs all around their home with colorful rangoli art.
Diwali is not only a festival of celebrations such as lightings, crackers, social gatherings to exchange greetings and sharing sweets with your loved ones but it is also a festival that is filled with spiritualism and religious activities such as worship of Goddess Lakshmi, worship of Lord Ganesha, worship of Mother Kali, worship of Lord Chitragupta and worship of Govardhan Parvat.
Deepavali is celebrated in West Bengal, Bihar and North Eastern states with worship of Divine Mother Kali in clay images. This is called
Kali Puja.
Diwali is not only a festival of celebrations such as lightings, crackers, cleanliness, colorful rangoli making, social gatherings to exchange greetings and sharing sweets with your loved ones but it is also a festival that is filled with spiritualism and religious activities such as worship of Goddess Lakshmi, worship of Lord Ganesha, worship of Mother Kali, worship of Lord Chitragupta and worship of Govardhan Parvat. The Diwali festival is all about lots of shopping, happiness, togetherness and almost one week's holiday.
Swami Vivekananda said "who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva."
This Diwali we can share our happiness and joy with poor...Jai Sri Ram
Signs of God-vision!
One cannot attain it unless one has seen God. But there are signs that a man has had the vision of God. A man who has seen God sometimes behaves like a madman: he laughs, weeps, dances, and sings.
Sometimes he behaves like a child, a child five years old-guileless, generous, without vanity, unattached to anything, not under the control of any of the gunas, always blissful.
Sometimes he behaves like a ghoul: he doesn't differentiate between things pure and things impure; he sees no difference between things clean and things unclean. And
sometimes he is like an inert thing, staring vacantly: he cannot do any work; he cannot strive for anything.
~Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Sometimes he behaves like a child, a child five years old-guileless, generous, without vanity, unattached to anything, not under the control of any of the gunas, always blissful.
Sometimes he behaves like a ghoul: he doesn't differentiate between things pure and things impure; he sees no difference between things clean and things unclean. And
sometimes he is like an inert thing, staring vacantly: he cannot do any work; he cannot strive for anything.
~Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Pure In Heart See God !

"Let me tell you one thing. God can be seen. The Vedas say that God is beyond mind and speech. The meaning of this is that God is unknown to the mind attached to worldly objects. Vaishnavcharan (a noted devotee of the Vaishnava sect and an admirer of Sri Ramakrishna) used to say, 'God is known by the mind and intellect that is pure.' Therefore it is necessary to seek the company of holy men, practice prayer, and listen to the instruction of the guru. These purify the mind. Then one sees God. Dirt can be removed from water by a purifying agent. Then one sees one's reflection in it. One cannot see one's face in a mirror if the mirror is covered with dirt."
~Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Monday, November 5, 2007
Washing Away The Heart's Impurities With Tears!
Devotee: "Sir, is it ever possible to realize God while leading the life of a householder?"
Sri RamaKrishna: "Certainly. But as I said just now, one must live in holy company and pray unceasingly. One should weep for God. When the impurities of the mind are thus washed away, one realizes God. The mind is like a needle covered with mud, and God is like a magnet. The needle cannot be united with the magnet unless it is free from mud. Tears wash away the mud, which is nothing but lust, anger, greed, and other evil tendencies, and the inclination to worldly enjoyments as well. As soon as the mud is washed away, the magnet attracts the needle, that is to say, man realizes God. Only the pure in heart see God. A fever patient has an excess of the watery element in his system. What can quinine do for him unless that is removed?
"Why shouldn't one realize God while living in the world? But, as I said, one must live in holy company, pray to God, weeping for His grace, and now and then go into solitude. Unless the plants on a foot-path are protected at first by fences, they are destroyed by cattle."
Sri RamaKrishna: "Certainly. But as I said just now, one must live in holy company and pray unceasingly. One should weep for God. When the impurities of the mind are thus washed away, one realizes God. The mind is like a needle covered with mud, and God is like a magnet. The needle cannot be united with the magnet unless it is free from mud. Tears wash away the mud, which is nothing but lust, anger, greed, and other evil tendencies, and the inclination to worldly enjoyments as well. As soon as the mud is washed away, the magnet attracts the needle, that is to say, man realizes God. Only the pure in heart see God. A fever patient has an excess of the watery element in his system. What can quinine do for him unless that is removed?
"Why shouldn't one realize God while living in the world? But, as I said, one must live in holy company, pray to God, weeping for His grace, and now and then go into solitude. Unless the plants on a foot-path are protected at first by fences, they are destroyed by cattle."
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Earning of Money !
Devotee: "Sir, may I make an effort to earn more money?"
Sri Ramakrishna: "It is permissible to do so to maintain a religious family. You may try to increase your income, but in an honest way. The goal of life is not the earning of money, but the service of God. Money is not harmful if it is devoted to the service of God."
Devotee: "How long should a man feel obliged to do his duty toward his wife and children?"
Sri Ramakrishna: "As long as they feel pinched for food and clothing. But one need not take the responsibility of a son when he is able to support himself. When the young fledgling learns to pick its own food, its mother pecks it if it comes to her for food."
Devotee: "How long must one do one's duty?"
Sri Ramakrishna: "The blossom drops off when the fruit appears. One doesn't have to do one's duty after the attainment of God, nor does one feel like doing it then.
Sri Ramakrishna: "It is permissible to do so to maintain a religious family. You may try to increase your income, but in an honest way. The goal of life is not the earning of money, but the service of God. Money is not harmful if it is devoted to the service of God."
Devotee: "How long should a man feel obliged to do his duty toward his wife and children?"
Sri Ramakrishna: "As long as they feel pinched for food and clothing. But one need not take the responsibility of a son when he is able to support himself. When the young fledgling learns to pick its own food, its mother pecks it if it comes to her for food."
Devotee: "How long must one do one's duty?"
Sri Ramakrishna: "The blossom drops off when the fruit appears. One doesn't have to do one's duty after the attainment of God, nor does one feel like doing it then.