Do not get attached. Do not get upset. Try to see the reality behind the phenomenon. We should be kind but not blind. Have infinite sympathy. Pain and sorrow are a kind of education; bear them. Turn to God even through suffering. Also hunger for truth makes us turn to God.
We must be in tune with ourselves. if we are not in harmony, we prick others. Have harmony in mind and body. It is necessary to sublimate our feelings. If they are suppressed, they leak out again and again. Suppression or repression is not enough.

Friends have to some extent similar vibrations. Sympathize with angry people. Have sympathy from higher plane. There are times when you are allowed to disagree with or scold others maintaining an amount of self-control. Then it won’t lead to quarrels or misunderstandings .if we have inner harmony we induce harmony in others. If we are restless, we have both inner and outer troubles.
We must first of all come to have a spiritual attitude towards ourselves, and only then can we establish a proper relationship between us and the Divine also with other people.
~ senior monk of Ramakrishna order