Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Inspiration To Young Monks !

My boy, Give your body and mind to worldly enjoyments, and the world will destroy them both. Devote them to God and his service, and you will enjoy bodily health, peace of mind and spiritual joy. Give all that you have –your health, wealth, youth, talents, everything to divine. If you give it to worldly life, the world will spoil it and leave you empty in the end.
~Swami Brahmananda (Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna)


Unknown said...

No sorry not all - can do reasonable not surrender.

Spiritual Bee said...

Monk must surrender to i right?

Spiritual Bee said...
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Unknown said...

NO. To be able to walk on spiritual path one does not need to surrender. One can do reasonable & still attain his spiritual goal. Insistence on surrender is not justified.

Unknown said...

Monk is defined as person who walks on the spiritual path. To achieve spiritual goals one does not need to surrender